Happy puppy with her bling!

My $7.00 treasures from Walmart.


Stump burning and dinner.

Flowers from my sweetie!
I can't sleep so I thought I would blog. We get up at 5:00 every morning and this morning after everyone left I fell back a sleep. Now I know I can't let that happen again. It is now 10:45 and I can't sleep. Tomorrow will not be fun getting up. We have had our ups and downs lately. The boys are enjoying school and are doing well. The house is still not sold yet. We were told the other day it will take a month more. Please continue to pray for the sale of the house. We still have a buyer so praise the Lord! John's work is going well. I have been cleaning houses and taking care of Joy. I do love my schedule. Tonight John took me to Walmart. I got a real bargain on some craft stuff. All of it for $7.00. We have enjoyed talking about what we will do to the house when we get the money. It is fun to dream. In November we hope to go to see my parents. They have moved from Mexico to Alabama. Their new house sounds so nice. I can't wait to see it.