If you have never played Settler's of Catan you have got to try it. It is only the best game ever! Almost every weekend you will find us around the table with friends and family playing "the game". O yes, it is that addictive. You can create your own game boards so that every game is different. We now take a picture of the different lay outs we have tried and the winner of the game. Lately that has been Gina my dear sweet sister in law. Only during the game she is ruthless. Of course that is how the game goes. The sweetest of people become DOCS. Devils of Catan that is. My husband (see picture above) will play even though he is sick. To him somethings are just worth it.Notice my husband in the other picture. This is the same game he must have been doing better at this point in the game. We have such a great time with John's brother Ben and his wife Gina.