Thursday night John watched Joy for me while I went to Walmart. I decided I wanted an accent wall in my living room to go with the butter yellow. I picked a color that was just few shades darker in the yellow tones. I also decided to paint my trunk that I use for a coffee table. When I got to the paint counter there was no one to help me. I asked two Walmart workers for help. They paged someone for the paint department. Nobody came. There was women who was waiting for help too. She picked up the phone at the paint desk and tried to get some help. Five calls later and a manager finally shows up. All of this took 30 minutes. When he arrived he was talking on his cell phone. Boy was my patience being tested. Finally he got off the phone. I told him I needed a quart of each color. They only had the brown I picked in the gallon size. Fortunately for him he only charged me the price of a quart for the gallon. I say fortunately for him because I might have had to hurt him if he didn't give me a good deal.
Friday morning I started painting the wall and I hated the color after all of that. So I used some yellow I had that also looked awful. At this point I was very discouraged. I decided to call John. I jokingly told him he was going to have a brown wall when he got home because I had tried all the colors I had. After the yellow,the other yellow, primer, trying to go back to the original butter yellow, I tried the brown and loved it. It is a very pretty pecan brown.
Saturday John cleaned his shed out. See miracles do occur. I went to the thrift store and found a new mirror for $5.00 to go over my tv.(I glued some shells on it) I also saw a coffee table I liked. I went home to measure my space to see how it would fit. When I went back to buy it ,it was sold. So, I convinced John to make me one. It looks sooo much better than the one in the thrift store and cost us nothing to make because we already had the wood. It has a nice cubby for my lap top,remote controls,and magazines. Kmart had rugs on sale for $10.00 so I bought a new rug to complete the look of the room. I love my new living room!