Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Enjoying Life

Life is starting to get back to normal around here. I am feeling so much better. Yesterday I got to drive the car for the first time since the operation. It was so nice to get out and shop. Today I also went out. We got to spend the day at Evelyn's. The boys had a blast playing with Jonathan. I had a blast beating Evelyn at Phase Ten.
June is a big month for John and I. Both our birthdays and our anniversary is this month. John also gets Fathers Day. Presents all month it's great. John bought me a new surround sound system and a bigger TV. I bought him some DVD's and a real nice knife set. All the gifts are so nice because we can share them. John really gets a kick out of the surround sound and I love that the speakers are smaller than the ones we had before. I can't wait for his knives to arrive in the mail. John said I could use them but the kids can't. Aren't I special.
I have been watching Lost the first season and am really enjoying.
I saved the best news for last. We received the bill for the hospital and needless to say even with insurance there was still a lot we had to pay. I was very upset because John has worked sooo much overtime and what we had saved would all be gone. But, here is the good part. John received a surprise bonus in his pay check that was exactly the amount we owed the hospital. Isn't that awesome. God is so great!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

YAY for little speakers! I'm glad you're feeling better. I'd love to see you sometome:)