Friday night we spent the evening with Henry and Darla. We had a great time talking, eating pizza,and watching a movie. On Saturday I woke up at 5:00.I let the dogs out and Pepper's little tip tap of her paws on the floor woke everyone else up. It was so nice to spend the morning together just sitting around and watching The Munsters. I am so use to getting up early that I have a hard time sleeping in except for Sunday. It must be that by Sunday I am exhausted. On Saturday John and I went to BJ's to pick up a few groceries. After grocery shopping John and I went to Crate and Barrel. I love their store. They have such beautiful displays. John bought a wooden salt container. We are like to kids in a toy store when we go there. To bad it is such an expensive toy store. I just love looking. When we came home my friend Jacquie and her son came over. John helped her son with a science fair project. My husband is such a sweetie. We went to church this morning. Tonight we are just relaxing. They having been running a House marathon today. What a treat. I love the show. It has been nice to just eat and watch tv. I took a few pictures. One is of the boys and Angel watching The Munsters on Saturday morning.One is of Christopher making a cake for the Fall festival. I thought it turned out real cute. One of John's new salt container. The other is of some conditioner I want to try. John made me laugh. I told him the shampoo was anti-poof shampoo. He said "You could put it in a magician and really mess him up." I know it is lame but it made me laugh.