Thursday, January 31, 2008

I had a nice relaxing day yesterday. I stayed in my pjs all day. Well, I shouldn't say all day. For about 30 seconds I changed into my sweats. You see I had to check the mail. I put my robe over my pjs and was going to put bills in the mail box. As I popped my head out I realized it was early day from school and someone was sitting in their car on the corner right by my house to pick up their child. So, I quickly went back in the house not wanting my neighbors to know how lazy I am. So I threw on my sweats and put a sweater over my pj top. As I went to go out the neighbor in the vehicle yelled you didn't have to get dressed for me. Not embarassing at all!


Unknown said...

HAHAHAHA! that's too funny! you're so cute...

Sarah said...

I certainly have more days like that than not! (Nothing like getting caught, though) :-)

I emailed Julie with your info. Hopefully she will be contacting you soon!

Day by Day said...

thanks sooo much Sarah

Anonymous said...

Yep Been there done that more often than not. I swear I always get caught and yet I still do it.