John got Saturday and Sunday off. It was a real treat. Saturday John,the boys,and I all went to garage sales. Then John took us to Planet Smoothie. He has an addiction to them. I have to admit they are pretty good. After the smoothie we went home and took a three hour nap. Isn't life grand. Then we got up and went to the book store. Instead of candy baskets this year the boys got a few of their favorite candy bars and a book of their choice. We ended the evening with McDonald's.
Sunday was also very pleasant. One funny thing happened in Sunday School. I brought crosses for the children to paint. I told them once they were dry we would write "Jesus Lives" on them. I offered to write it for them. Being four and five year olds they informed me they were more than capable of writing it themselves. So I wrote it on a paper so they could copy it. One of the little boys forgot to put the "v" in lives. I tried not to laugh as I explained to him that he had to fit the v in there somehow. Can you imagine what the parents would think? To funny!
We had no plans for Easter but to just go home after church and BBQ. To our delight Tim and Evelyn had no Easter plans. So they came over. We stuffed ourselves and played Settler's of Cattan.