Monday, December 24, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
More Alabama pictures

We stopped to take pictures of an old covered bridge. What can I say my family is weird!

That's my dad!

This cute Christmas wagon was in front of someones house.

My sister and I in our matching shirts. She could be my daughter. We look alike.

I took mom and the boys to a mexican restaurant while John and my dad went out together. I am so blessed that John and dad get along so well. I think my parents like him more than me!

John helped dad put a remote control in his fan. Doesn't John looked thrilled?

John and I at the covered bridge.

the covered bridge
Friday, November 30, 2007
Alabama part one

We are all feeling much better now. The boys went back to school yesterday. It is hard to get back to real life when you have had a nice break. On the way to Alabama we got to see the changing of the leafs. It was beautiful. Those pictures are on John's camera. I will post them soon. While we were there we went to a beautiful park where John did a little rock climbing. There were no guard rails in the last picture you can see how far down it was. The second picture is Rebecca and dad. Can you believe how big she is! She is almost as tall as Chris. She is ten years old now and a lot of fun. More pictures to come soon!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
We had a wonderful time on vacation. We have had head colds since we have been home. I was so glad we didn't get sick at my parents. I had to pick up the boys from school today and I haven't felt to good. I will be posting pictures from our trip soon. For now I think I will rest some more. I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Making wonderful memories
Last night we ate our dinner out on the screened in porch. It was gorgeous out. John started a fire in the fire pit and the boys roasted marshmallows. While they were roasting the marshmallows I came in the kitchen to do the dishes. We had the windows open and I was enjoying listening to the boys laugh. John came up to the window right by the sink with a big smile on his face. I asked him whats up and he said he was just enjoying the view. After seventeen years he can still make me melt. Isn't he the sweetest! I am thankful for evenings like last night that make such wonderful memories.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Things I am thankful for

Lately I have been down in the dumps. So I have decided to focus on my blessings. Here are some random things:
The boys had a Thursday and Friday off a couple of weeks ago. We had a blast eating pizza and watching movies.
John has been working very hard on our bedroom. It is coming along and looking lovely. I will post pictures when it is done.
I was overwhelmed by my Bible study homework. John spent some time to work on it with me. He is so sweet!
I got some great bargains at the grocery store today.
We will be going on vacation soon to see my parents in Alabama (we will be there for Thanksgiving)
I received Atalie's birth announcement in the mail today. She is beautiful!
John bought me new dishes for my china cabinet. He also got me a new pressure cooker.
We got a riding lawn mower at a yard sale for $125.00. I had a lot of fun watching John ride it. Then he taught the boys how to drive it.
I will post more thankful thoughts soon.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Today we put the bars back on the windows of the old house. We had to take the bars off for the inspection. We told the lady that bought the house we would put them back on for her. I am so glad to be completely done with the old house. We paid off our credit cards. We have not been credit card debt free since we have been married. It is such a great feeling. We plan to buy flooring for our bedroom soon and some new tires for John. We have been so busy that we haven't got to go shopping for stuff for the house yet. Tomorrow I may go to garage sales in the morning if it doesn't rain. One of the neighborhoods near by is having a community yard sale. Also I plan on taking the boys to pick out a pumpkin. It should be a nice relaxing day. We may do a little work on the house.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Just a quick but happy note! We closed on the house around 5:30 today! I am so tired. I will write more soon. Thank you so much for all your prayers.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Doing better!
I just read my post below and realized how pathetic it sounded. I called John to talk to him. I have a wonderful husband. I told him I didn't want to be depressed all weekend. He was thinking the same thing. We have been through hard times together before. I love how we work together when things get tough. I am truly blessed.
I got all ready to go this morning. I was so ready to celebrate. Counting down the hours. John called me and told me it won't happen until Monday or Tuesday. The government won't issue a check on Fridays. So down payment assistance will issue it on Monday and have it couriered over. I am having a hard time with this. Please pray for me. I am at the end of my rope. I know it will still happen.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
closing date,speeding ticket,and religious stove
I haven't posted for so long. I have several little tidbits to share. First the best news. We are closing on our house Friday at 2:00. Praise the Lord. We are so happy. I will of course post when it is all done. Next on the list. I am a criminal. You heard me. I received my first speeding ticket.(after 20 years of driving I have to add) No I didn't cry. I wanted to when I saw the amount of the ticket. ($123.50) Apparently this is a reduced amount. Two miles more over the speed limit and it would have been over $200.00. Can you believe how expensive tickets are! My father in law says Seminole county needs money. They sure got some from me. Also I had to take a four hour course online to avoid getting points on my license. When they said four hours they meant it. I could have completed it in two. You are required to be on for four. At the beginning of the course it asks you all kinds of questions like did you graduate from high school, how many kids do you have,ect. It checks on you by asking these questions every so often. You have two minutes to answer the questions. So therefore you can't leave the computer. You can take breaks though and it saves your time. Thirty five dollars and four hours later I passed. I went down to pay the ticket today at the clerk of the courts office. When I got to the office there was no one else in line. I thought to myself this is nice. So I went up to one of the ladies behind the counter. She told me I had to get in line. She said stand by the sign until the next available person calls you. So I did.(I was totally amused at this point) And then a lady called me. Won't it have been easier for her to say go to the lady over there. After seeing the lady that called me I was sent back to the first lady to pay the ticket. I think this is just a fun game they like to play. Oh, I forgot to say they told me about a few famous people who had to come in and paid their tickets. Apparently Chris Rock was in today to pay his. Also some famous wrestler guy was there too. It was big doings at their office. Last but not least on my list of tidbits is that my stove is religious. I am not crazy it is. Today I went online to get an owner's manual. One of the settings it has is a "Sabbath setting". John asked does it push the buttons for you? No apparently that doesn't count as work. Actually you can set the program a head of time on another day. Still it won't carry the casserole to the oven for you:)
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
A little more waiting
We will not be closing on the 8th:( Instead it will be the 15th or at the latest the 17th. My realtor assures me it is a sure thing. She said down payment assistance has a big pile of requests. They send out as many checks they can one day. Then they have to wait two days for funds to send out a bunch more. So it all depends on where our buyers request is in the pile. Hopefully our buyers request is near the top. She has already qualified for it so it is just a matter of time. Please continue to pray for the closing. We are sooo thankful for all your prayers.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Silly Stuff
A while back John hurt his toe. The nail fell about a week ago. So last night we are in the car and John is trying to show it to me. Mind you I was driving. Here is John trying to shove his toe up in my face. He kept on saying you know you want to touch it. He was trying to rub his toe on my face. He can be such a dork at times. You gotta love him! I am just glad we didn't get pulled over for reckless driving.
Friday, September 28, 2007

Hopefully we will be closing on the house Oct. 8th. Please pray that all goes well. I have been battling Vertigo for a few days now. If anyone has found something that helps please let me know. I bought a china cabinet and a desk the other day. I love them and they were both a great deal.My pictures don't do them justice. They look so nice. Today Angel was driving me crazy with "I got to go out!" This is what she did as soon as she got out. She is definitely John's dog. She needed her sun time much like John. I am a shade girl.
Monday, September 17, 2007
John's dream
John was telling me about a dream he had. He said in his dream he was being chased by some men who wanted to kill him. Just as they had him surrounded and were going to kill him a man burst into the room. The man told him there was a problem with our other house.(like something needed to be fixed) I had to laugh. I asked him that was better than being killed right? He had to think about it!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I am still not feeling well. Just a bad cold. John's dad came over and helped him with some projects. His dad is such a blessing! We are trying to fix things around here so we can keep our home insurance. Allstate sent us a letter saying they would cancel us. We have been with them for seventeen years. We bought this house as is so it does need work. They want us to fix our shed,siding on the porch,and roof above entrance way. These items won't have been tops on our list to fix. We asked them if they could just not cover the shed but they said no. I have heard they are trying to get out of Florida and will find anything they can to drop you. The list they sent was real vague. It also included that our dogs were a liability. I love my animals and will not get rid of them. Our husky looks tough but she is a big baby. We are waiting to hear back from them about the dogs and how much a factor they are. We may change companies. Now every time an Allstate commerical comes on John gets annoyed. Even if we switch companies we will still have to have an inspection. We are still waiting for a closing date on the house. We still have a buyer. John and I have decided we never want to move again. We are really loving the peace and quiet of our new neighborhood. If you think of us please pray for us.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Watch this! It is to cute!
I don't know how to put the video right on my blog. You should watch this! If you are a parent or love kids you will love this.
I don't know how to put the video right on my blog. You should watch this! If you are a parent or love kids you will love this.
Under the weather:(
I have been sick for the last couple of days. I think something is going around. I read Ruth's blog and she is sick too. So far the boys and John have not got sick. Hopefully they won't. I spent yesterday watching Grey's Anatomy's the third season on the computer. I enjoyed it all the way till the last episode. I thought adding all the new characters was weird. My goal for today is to clean the toliets and wash the dishes. I miss my dishwasher soooo much:( I think I'll do the dishes now. I will blog more when I feel better.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Happy puppy with her bling!
My $7.00 treasures from Walmart.
Stump burning and dinner.
Flowers from my sweetie!
I can't sleep so I thought I would blog. We get up at 5:00 every morning and this morning after everyone left I fell back a sleep. Now I know I can't let that happen again. It is now 10:45 and I can't sleep. Tomorrow will not be fun getting up. We have had our ups and downs lately. The boys are enjoying school and are doing well. The house is still not sold yet. We were told the other day it will take a month more. Please continue to pray for the sale of the house. We still have a buyer so praise the Lord! John's work is going well. I have been cleaning houses and taking care of Joy. I do love my schedule. Tonight John took me to Walmart. I got a real bargain on some craft stuff. All of it for $7.00. We have enjoyed talking about what we will do to the house when we get the money. It is fun to dream. In November we hope to go to see my parents. They have moved from Mexico to Alabama. Their new house sounds so nice. I can't wait to see it.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
John took Friday off so we could have another family day. We had a great time! We went to this bakery(Bruno's gourmet kitchen) that we heard wonderful things about. It was good. We then went to some yard sales. I found some prizes for my Sunday school class. I also found a cute cabinet for my bathroom. As you can see from the pictures of the bathroom I am not done painting it yet. The boys found a tiny pool table. Chris had a lot of fun playing with John. Today we FINISHED fixing the list of items on our old house from the inspection. I am soooo happy about getting it done. Now we have to get the FHA inspection done. It should be no problem passing it. We are not sure when the new date for closing is yet. Our realtor said it would only be slightly delayed. Our original closing date was Sept. 9th. We are definitely feeling much less pressure and stress. Soon when we get money from the sale of the old house we will be able to focus on our new house and get things done in it. Life is good.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
We had a great day!
We had a great time today. We went to DeLeon Springs and ate breakfast at the Sugar Mill. John and the boys cooked the pancakes while I sat back and watched. We swam for a while. On the way home we stopped at a few thrift stores. I found a light weight blanket for my bed for $1.99. Then for lunch we ate at ElPotro.
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