Monday, June 25, 2007

I don't function well in a mess! I have been working hard on unpacking. I am sorry I don't have any pictures of the house yet but will take some soon. My wireless router isn't working for some reason. So I am sitting at the desk working on this. I have gotten so spoiled with the lap top. This morning I had to use dial up to go online to pay my bills. Three hours later it was done. I am so glad John got the dsl working. I am sure I will love the house when we get it fixed up but right now it is a little overwhelming. We keep finding things that need to be fixed. John tried to hook up the washing machine tonight and was not able to because of a problem with the pipes. To quote a Friends line "I need to get out of the bitter barn and play in the hay". I am really enjoying the peace and quiet. The kids love being able to play in the neighborhood.
Some great news we got is we have a buyer for our house! They want to close on July 16th. Please pray that all goes well.


Anonymous said...

Oh no not the washing machine too!!! Oh you need a vacation like about NOW!!!! DSL is always good I like those initials anytime especially since they also mine.

Unknown said...

We're praying that the closing goes well!!

aliann said...

Yay for a buyer on your house! Praying everything goes smoothly, and for you as you settle into the new place too.

J Sews said...

The Lord is SO GOOD! We will be praying that all goes smoothly with your house closing!

Ruth said...

Oh good, so glad to hear.